Our Courses

Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (CSB the first year level) and Certified Somatic Sex Educators (CSSE the second year level) are professionals supporting individuals, couples and groups to learn to direct their own erotic development, learn about their bodies, sex and sexuality, or work through sexual concerns.

Founded in 2003, by Joseph Kramer in the US, Sexological Bodywork was the first hands-on sexuality training to receive State recognition. As a result it is recognised as eligible to be covered by professional insurance.

These are trainings in embodiment. Whilst this involves learning and developing skills in a range of modalities, the main focus of the training is on learning how to facilitate client agency with their decision-making about how they are touched. As such, Somatic Sex Education/Sexological Bodywork® sessions are co-created with an educational focus.

Somatic Sex Educators believe that sexual health and erotic education are basic human rights. The Somatic Sex Education™ professional trainings are for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, characteristics and expressions.